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Out of the Shadows: Fostering Creativity and Teacher Education Programs
Book: Welcome
'Out of the Shadows: Fostering Creativity and Teacher Education Programs' is a culmination of five years of research into the role teachers have played in nurturing the world's greatest artistic minds.
The study focuses on the evolution of creativity in teaching practices and finds that many methods are as relevant in today's classrooms as they were ten thousand years ago. The ancient Chinese used a painting style known as Moku-Chi to nurture the creativity of their children. They were encouraged to splash ink freely across rice paper, using broad, abandoned strokes to find inspiration.
This book fuses ancient and modern techniques to inspire teachers and their students. We encourage teachers of today to learn from the lessons of the past. With a focus on Australian Aboriginal and Chinese arts and culture, comprehensive learning models and innovative teaching approaches aim to improve the art education in primary and secondary schools.
Book: Text
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