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Primary & Secondary

Primary & Secondary: Image

STEAM learning happens naturally everyday as children play and discover, so how can educators apply this to the classroom? From fun activities with Ozobots and Sphero balls to experimenting with beeswax wraps as an alternative to single-use plastics, Bronwen has extensive knowledge in implementing STEAM activities that can be assessed and mapped to the current school curriculum.


Student learning in primary school is all about exposure to new tools, activities and thinking. In secondary school, learning activities should focus on innovative thinking and explorative problem-solving. No matter the age group, STEAM Ahead Australia can tailor classroom learning activities to your preference. 


Using the latest research and practical learning methods, STEAM Ahead Australia can support your school and educators in the following ways:


  • Professional Development for all educators to apply a STEAM learning framework in active learning environments.

  • Mapping STEAM programs and activities to the current school curriculum.

  • Consulting on your school’s STEAM approach and recommending best-in-class products for STEAM learning activities.

  • Using STEAM to communicate and explore STEM concepts to all students.

  • Develop a customised sequence of learning experiences for students across learning stages 1-6 (K-12) of the primary and secondary curriculum.

  • Measure and identify student dispositions towards STEAM-specific abilities for Gifted & Talented programs. 

Primary & Secondary: Text

Intercultural classes

Customised classes offered in Sydney.

Join Dr Bronwen Wade-Leeuwen and John Duncan for after school art classes.

All skill levels welcomed!


These classes take the learner on a journey to learn a variety of Eastern and Western art forms inspired by renowned artists and their techniques.


The focus of all the classes relate to Wade-Leeuwen (2016) research into creativity and how to develop new ways of seeing when working independently and collaboratively on art projects.


All students will be encouraged to explore the visual and performing arts with emphasis on working collaboratively in small groups as well as independently.


Shifting learner’s explorations in 2-D to 3-D or 4-D materials through traditional to contemporary practices, different exercises offered at each session will explore elements of the creative design process such as: point, line, shape, form, texture, pattern and light.  Additionally, students will learn how to apply the design principles to make their compositions dynamic and unique.


Each course aims to develop student’s confidence and skill to increase curiosity and imagination and creativity so they can work with 21st century challenges through art making.


The materials are provided under the course costs.

However, additional costs could be requested depending on the subject covered.


Class duration: Two hours 


Classes offered: 


  • Basic Drawing

  • Acrylic Painting

  • 3-D Sculpture classes

  • Moku Watercolours

  • Traditional Chinese Crafts


Basic Drawing:

These classes are the foundation for all the other classes. Students will explore the fundamentals of basic drawing techniques required to become confident in drawing. Students will be guided by the teacher to develop basic skills such as how to hold the pencil for optimal use, develop their own individual approaches while gaining a firm foundation of basic drawing skills using a range of mediums. Subject matter will include: still-life, natural forms, drawing from the figure, photos and collaborative projects.


Acrylic Painting:

This course explores the use of various mediums in producing acrylic paintings inspired by the learner’s interests and teacher’s discretion. In this guided step by step course students will learn the basics of how to lay out the palette with warm and cool colours. Explore how to create layered colours in their work and appreciate different tonal values. Techniques include: blending, impasto and modelling forms with different mediums on a variety of paper and canvas surfaces. Subjects include how to draw from nature, covering organic and natural elements, the human body, fantasy and working from your imagination.


3-D Sculpture:

2020, Dr Wade conducted several Fresco Workshops at Macquarie University as well as in local primary schools. Informed by her fieldwork in Austria, Italy and Hawaii, Dr Wade initially trained in the traditional Italian Fresco medium at the Salzburg Summer Academy before working with Master Artists, Juliette May Fraser in Hawaii with volcanic ash.

This course Investigate various natural subject matter using modelling 3-Dimensional techniques. Students will be guided and challenged to create natural forms with  negative and positive spaces using a variety of material such as clay, plaster and wood to interpret and recreate their relationship with nature and local wildlife with the aim of exploring their own notions of living in sustainable worlds.


Moku Watercolour:

Dr Wade has been teaching Moku (ink-splash) watercolour classes for the past two decades at the Workshop Art Centre, Willoughby and at other art schools. These Moku watercolour classes will explore traditional Eastern painting principles and combines these with Western watercolour techniques to create a unique contemporary approach to painting. Dr Wade studied at the famous Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore where she learnt from several renown masters of the brush. The aim of these classes is to stimulate learners’ imagination and curiosity to stimulate the senses of the artist. Each student will learn how to develop their own style of painting informed by tradition and famous artists across time.


Classes will focus on elements such as mindfulness and ritual breathing, exploring how to incorporate the classical fourtreasures while understanding the three perfections in Eastern artmaking. Specific elements will include explorations in tiered perspective, working with the four seasons of birds and flowers or learning how to create a sense of depth in landscape painting. Dr Wade explores variations with colour experimentations from Eastern and Western perspectives. Shifting the learners to move between images of realism and abstraction.


Traditional Chinese Crafts

These classes are designed to learn about Chinese traditional arts and crafts such

as paper-cutting and embroidery.


Intercultural Classes

Join Dr Bronwen Wade-Leeuwen and John Duncan for customised after school art classes around Sydney.


Fill out a contact form for more information.


©2018 by STEAM Ahead. 

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